
June 24, 2024

  • Added Playlists page
  • Added Moonshots for Health project (bypass link for now)
  • Project tag cleanup
  • Refinement of HR treatment

June 19, 2024

  • Added horizontal rule to project category labels
  • Treat Mode activated
  • Footer cleanup

May 20, 2024

  • Reworked nav and some copy
  • Officially archived GAME+TYPE
  • Updated Info page

April 16, 2022

  • Populated project pics
  • Tuned colors and layout
  • Minor copy editing

August 11, 2021

  • Started adding some tasty animations
  • Ready to drop in a bunch of projects and kick the tires
  • Target launch: September 1 (or sooner)
  • Something to try in the future: reworking box shadow animation
  • Got the image galleries working, linked up
  • First pass at "dark mode" for projects

August 8, 2021

  • Rebuilt and updated the primary nav
  • Rebuilt and updated the project list on the homepage
  • Generally cleaned up some styles and made some responsive tweaks for utility classes
  • Started thinking about what typeface would be a better fit

July 7, 2021

  • Built out the Project collection more to include: 3 image galleries, fields for background color and a secondary color, and a short description
  • Reworked the Metaverse list a bit
  • Blocked in some older projects in the new structure to test
  • Cleaned up the style guide/documentation
  • Need to decide how to approach metadata display for projects

To Do

  • Add more animation
  • Add tooltip to bio pic on homepage
  • ???